Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is the best wine to drink with chocolate?

San Diego wine and chocolate

Who said that it is only cheese and wine that can be paired together? Basically, wine is a versatile alcoholic beverage that can be basically paired with almost all kind of food items. Throughout the years, wines are being drunk together with meals, such as steaks and the like. However, as the taste and preference of people change, San Diego wines are being paired with other food items. Chocolates can be considered as one of the most in demand food item. Basically, we have a common perception that chocolates are only being enjoyed by children. However, chocolates can come with different variations. Some of these variations are intended for adult and mature taste buds, such as bittersweet as well as mint chocolates. Indeed, both chocolates and wines are luxuries that can be best enjoyed together. Nonetheless, like any food combination, people must first take note of certain considerations and guidelines. These said considerations are important in order to assure that the taste of both San Diego wines and chocolate will perfectly go together, creating a harmony like no other.
Sunshine Mountain Vineyard
Match the type of chocolate with the right wine

Indeed, there are different kinds of chocolates that will go well with a specific type of wine. Basically, Moscato d'Asti, Sherry as well as Orange Muscat is just some of the wine selections that is recommended to be paired with white chocolates. These said wines will be highlighted with the creaminess that white chocolate possess. On the other hand, dark and bittersweet chocolates are best enjoyed with a glass of strong and roasted flavored wine such as Cabs and Zinfandels, Cabs and Zinfandels and Cabs and Zinfandels.

Try exploring

The key in finding the right wine and chocolate combination depends on the person’s exploration and curiosity. Indeed, there are principles and tips wherein people could utilize as a guide. Nonetheless, because of its wide range of types, it would be impossible to pair every single kind of wine with its respective chocolate. With this fact, it is essential that people could place some effort in coming up with their own combination.

Pairing greatly depend one’s personal taste

As stated earlier, wine and chocolate pairing can be expounded by doing personal exploration. Exploring is important as people have varying taste and preference. Though it is said that dark chocolate will best suite this type of wine, it will still depend if the said combination will be appealing to one’s taste bud. By knowing this, one could say that chocolate and wine pairing can be dependent on one’s preference in general.

Getting started with the chocolate and wine pairing

For interested individuals who want to engage into wine and chocolate pairing, people could simply start by purchasing a bottle of wine and a piece of chocolate of one’s preference. From there, it is upon you what will be the next combination that you would like to indulge in. Other from that, people could also try going certain chocolate and wine pairing parties and events. These kind of events are being organized and held by people who want to influence others to try wine and chocolate together. By doing so, people can meet other individuals who are into chocolate and San Diego wine pairing as well.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In wine-tasting, how can you appreciate the aroma?

Enjoying fine San Diego wines

Indeed, as years pass, one could observe the growing interest and influence of people when it comes to wine. Traditionally, wines are only being appreciated by people who belong in the higher class of the society. This is true as wines are considered as a luxury that only people with enough money could enjoy. Nonetheless, as wines become easily manufactured and affordable, the greater population was given the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of drinking quality wines. When people would be talking about wines, it is an important key point to note that wines can come in various types and kinds. With this, people need to be knowledgeable about being identify to identify quality wine in comparison with others.
Sunshine Mountain Vineyard

Importance of wine tasting

In order to appreciate wines, people should be knowledgeable when it comes to wine tasting. Through wine tasting, people can assess as well as evaluate the quality and the taste of a certain wine. When it comes to wine tasting, there are certain criterion that must be observed. However, this said criterion is still subject to modifications and changes depending on personal preference and taste. Some wines may appear to be delicious to some, while to others it is the other way around.

Doing proper wine tasting

There is this common mentality that San Diego wine tasting is only exclusive to people who are expert in the field of wines. It can somehow be true as being able to precisely identify the quality of a wine will depend on the skills and abilities of the wine taster. However, wine tasting is an opportunity that all people could try. Being able to do correct wine tasting would always start with the initiative to learn and take the first step. First incidents of wine tasting could be a blurred experience. However, it is only by this mean that people will be able to learn and develop one’s skills and abilities.

Different sense involved with wine tasting

There are various ways in which people could do wine tasting. Wine tasting can be done with the help of the sense of taste, smell and sight. People can identify and assess the quality of wines by checking the color and consistency of the wine. Upon pouring the wine inside the glass, try swirling the wine around. Through this way, one could observe the quality of the wine. After swirling the wine around, one could now using one’s nose in smelling the wine and taking a sniff of the wine’s aroma. It is only through proper swirling of wine that people will be able to release the nature aroma of the wine.

For people who don’t know these, individuals would immediately proceed with smelling the wine as it is. In this kind of action, people could expect that you will not be able to smell the aroma which is classified as something fruity and floral. In terms of nose smelling, the produced smell will have a sour characteristic. When you had a good sniff of the wine’s aroma, one could now proceed with having a taste of the said wine. In tasting San Diego wines, it should be done sip by sip. By doing so, people will be able to appreciate the fullness and character of the wine.